It is important that the couple feel comfortable and understood in counseling. My first priority is to build that connection.

When I began working with couple relationships many years ago I realized I needed a model that explained itself in a cohesive and clear manner, was supported  by research done directly with people in intimate relationships, and was translatable to the couple. Dr. John Gottman’s model stood out for me, and I received Level One and Level Two training. I find that the Gottman model fits my way of thinking about, and working with, people in relationships.

I work with all kinds of relationships:  Married couples, unmarried couples, divorcing couples, premarital couples.

I offer two services a couple can utilize in order to strengthen or repair the relationship. Both services incorporate Dr. Gottman’s model, and strategies from other experts in the field of couple counseling.

  1. Individual couple counseling: The couple, in conjunction with me, will develop a plan tailored for them with goals focused on their particular relationship issues. These goals are based on an extensive Gottman questionnaire, and an oral history with the couple. The couple will learn and practice new skills in session, and translate those skills outside the counseling environment. Each couple will develop a solid understanding of how intimate relationships are enriched and made stronger and more satisfying. This process is supported with detailed handouts making skill building smoother.
  1. Educational classes for people in intimate relationships. This is a group class, and the class is NOT counseling. People will learn many skills that translate to the majority of couples. These are excellent classes, with no more than four couples per class.

Couples come to counseling for many reasons, such as: Communication problems, loss of emotional connection, reduced or loss of sexual intimacy, frequent arguing or bickering, little or no resolution of issues, lapse into damaging styles of communication (criticism, blame, not taking responsibility, shut-down, defensiveness, contempt), and parenting differences. Crises issues, such as, infidelity, verbal and physical abuse*, mental illness, process/behavioral addictions, alcoholism or drug addiction, etc.

Sacramento Office:  916-287-9868

*Please note, a couple, where domestic violence is currently an issue, will not be treated by me, and will be referred to local domestic violence support groups.