Couple Relationships

/Couple Relationships

Habits and Coupled Relationships

Habits and Coupled Relationships

Humans are habitual creatures. We develop habits almost immediately upon birth. Things like feeding times, play time, brushing our teeth, getting up, and so on. Some habits are beneficial and some habits are meant to be left behind. All habits have a couple of things in common, once a habit develops, it is not fully in our awareness anymore, and it is hard to change.

Just as individuals develop habits,

Tips for Couples.

Gifts to give the one you love, without spending a dime.


Quietly attentive, whether sitting, standing, lying down, or walking.  Eyes on or toward the speaker; fully focused on them. Non-verbal communication; a nod of the head, raised brows, a smile or a frown, head tilted toward the speaker.

Repeat back to them what you think you heard.  Verbal communication; agreement, concern, interest, understanding.


Conflict Styles in Intimate Relationships

Conflict between people in intimate relationships can flare up for many reasons, but how people interact during that conflict may create more problems than the actual issue they are in conflict over.

The following are some typical ways couples attempt to deal with conflict.

Compromising Style

Compromise is to adjust or concede your position.  At its best, compromise is a style that may work, as long as, both people are compromising.  

Tips for Couples

Three Fair Fighting Tools

When we get into an argument with our closest companion, the rules of how to communicate or how to avoid making things worse, seem to fly out the window.  We all think we are right (at least part of the time), and we want to get our chance to talk.

So, here are three suggestions that may help in times of need.

  1. Listening well is the first and most important communication tool,