Tips for Couples.

//Tips for Couples.

Gifts to give the one you love, without spending a dime.


Quietly attentive, whether sitting, standing, lying down, or walking.  Eyes on or toward the speaker; fully focused on them. Non-verbal communication; a nod of the head, raised brows, a smile or a frown, head tilted toward the speaker.

Repeat back to them what you think you heard.  Verbal communication; agreement, concern, interest, understanding.


The best energy needs to be reserved for the one you love.  Expressions of appreciation:  Thank you; please; can I help you; what do you need.

Being helpful, showing appreciation, expressing gratitude, being available, basic generosity of spirit, and many more actions can show kindness.


Laughter is healing, therapeutic, and fun.  It has become a form of Yoga.  Laughter enriches our lives.

Shared laughter creates feelings of unity and understanding.  Laughter feels good, spreads goodwill, and helps to lighten burdens.


Time together. Being a couple. Connecting over conversation, a TV show, dinner, a cup of coffee, grocery shopping, putting the children to bed, planning a trip, just hanging out.

Rituals of connection like:  Hugging and kissing hello and goodbye; tucking each other in at the end of the day; having tea in the morning; going for a walk after work.

There is no greater gift for the one that loves you, than time with you.


You are on their side, and you let them know.  You ask questions about their life, and really listen to what they share.  If they have a problem, you ask how you can help.  You show genuine interest.


When you love someone you often want to let them know by touching and being touched:  Holding hands, hugging, kissing, sitting close, rubbing shoulders.  Touch is one of the most loving and healing aspects in any relationship.


The greatest gift of all.  Saying, showing, and allowing your love for the other person to be apparent to them.

You might consider reading Gary Chapman’s book, The 5 Love Languages.  You and your partner can take his 5 Love Languages test on-line.  It is interesting, and it may help you understand how you express love and how your partner feels loved.

Sex is not on this list because it should not be used as a “gift.”  Sex between intimate partners can be an expression of deep attraction or it can be used to control.  This topic is for another blog.