TELEHEALTH, WHAT IS IT? How does Telehealth work?
Therapy/Counseling Online
Telehealth is having a therapy/counseling visit on-line while you are in the comfort of your home or office. You may choose to have all counseling online. If you usually come to my office for counseling, but need an occasional online counseling visit, that is also available. I offer appointment times for Telehealth outside my usual office time. For example, late evening such as 9 or 10 p.m.
I am licensed in California, and I can use Telehealth with California residents only. VSee HIPAA compliant telemedicine technology—used by NASA astronauts aboard the International Space Station
Why use Telehealth?
Traveling to an appointment can be challenging. Heavy traffic or parking may be a frustration. The area in which you live, may not offer a range of services.
The advantages of on-line therapy are numerous: Wider range of times available, no travel time, no waiting in a waiting room, no need for child care, no asking the boss to leave early or be gone in the middle of the day, and its available when you are traveling.
- Adult and relationship counseling work well on-line.
- My preference is to meet the individual or couple for one to two visits to establish a visual connection. This is NOT mandatory. Not everyone can get to an office.
- Ahead of the first visit, I will email intake documents required at the first visit.
- Your insurance may pay for telehealth. Contact them and request payment for telehealth
- Length of session is 45 to 50 minutes, at times slightly longer.
Payment is due at the beginning of the visit with credit or debit card. If I am a provider for your insurance, I will bill the insurance for you, and accept assignment. You will be responsible for your co-pay if you have one. I use Square to access debit or credit cards. Depending on the circumstances you may be charged a transaction fee.
Sacramento Office: 916-287-9868