Change Is In The Air We Breathe.

//Change Is In The Air We Breathe.

Everything changes, nothing remains without change.  Buddha

Life is constant change, and as we breathe we are in constant transformation.  Change can be stressful, especially when the change is sudden and unexpected.

Change is also exciting.  Sometimes we try to avoid change.  We want things to stay the same.  Just as often change brings fun, excitement, and reward.

Humans are bound by time, and as time passes we change, our families change, our work changes, our home changes, we change.

The air we breathe changes our body with each new molecule.  As long as we breathe, we will change.

Embrace change!

Change does not mean we should throw away the old.  Preserving heritage from the past is important.  Our past reflects who we are today.  Understanding our personal history is as important as the cultural history from which we come.   Preservation is a national pastime.  Yet, the act of preservation changes the object.  A treasured historical monument or a painting by a master, are altered in the preservation process.  Modern techniques and materials are utilized to preserve old masterpieces.

Change is constant.  Like the need to breathe and pay taxes; we can count on change.

Therapy and change.

People who seek therapy often do so because their lives are in crisis.  Perhaps they lost their job, maybe they can’t stop worrying, or their relationship is in trouble.  Something in their life isn’t working.

To change feels impossible.  Who will we become?  What part of ourselves will we leave behind?  Will we be loved?  How can we possibly change?  Doubt and fear grip us.

Psychotherapy or counseling, is about change.  Therapy changes people.  People want to change their lives; leave depression behind; stop worrying; have a stronger marriage; be happier.  How?

Be prepared to change.  There is an old saying:

“If nothing changes, everything stays the same.”