Don’t Believe Everything You Think.

Don’t Believe Everything You Think.

Rene’ Descartes the 17th century philosopher, in his famous quote stated, “I think therefore I am.” I am not sure what Descartes meant, but perhaps he meant, in thinking we become ourselves.

Our thinking brain is truly a miracle of uncanny brilliance.  From current time into the distant past, humans have used their brains to solve untold mysteries of our natural world.  Our brains have developed, discovered, built, and created civilization. 


The worst thing in the world is trying to sleep and not to.   F. Scott Fitzgerald

Not sleeping for a night or two is maddening, but not sleeping night after night is treacherous.

The experience of struggling to get to sleep or waking during the night and not getting back to sleep or both, can cause feelings of frustration, hopelessness, and irritability, and is associated with physical and mental health issues. 

The increased use of sleep aides,

Thank You, Leonard Cohen


Ring the bells that still can ring

Forget your perfect offering

There is a crack, a crack in everything

That’s how the light gets in . . .

Anthem by Leonard Cohen

Leonard Cohen is a poet, song writer, musician, and much more.

Perfectionism and the Agony of Being Human

This is the first of several informational pieces on perfectionism.

On the occasion I happen to ask someone if they are a perfectionist, the response varies from a strong “. . . no,” to a strong “. . . yes,” to “. . . I know that perfection isn’t realistic, but I guess I do aim for it.” This is often followed with the disclaimer, “But, I’m not a perfectionist in everything I do.”

Perfectionism is not about being perfect. 

Conflict Styles in Intimate Relationships

Conflict between people in intimate relationships can flare up for many reasons, but how people interact during that conflict may create more problems than the actual issue they are in conflict over.

The following are some typical ways couples attempt to deal with conflict.

Compromising Style

Compromise is to adjust or concede your position.  At its best, compromise is a style that may work, as long as, both people are compromising.  

Traits That Perpetuate Anxiety

Traits That May Perpetuate Anxiety

There are many positive traits people with anxiety share.

But, in his book, The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook, Edmund J. Bourne, Ph.D. states, there are four traits which may perpetuate anxiety.

  1. Perfectionism
  2. Excessive need for approval
  3. Tendency to ignore physical and psychological signs of stress
  4. Excessive need for control

Do any of the above sound familiar? 

Why is Belly Breathing Important?

What is belly breathing?

Why is belly breathing important? How does belly breathing work?  What is the connection between anxiety and breathing?

Belly breathing is a breathing practice that allows more oxygen into the lungs. Of course, we don’t actually breathe into our belly. But when expanding the belly as we inhale, we allow the diaphragm to relax and move downward. With the relaxation of the diaphragm, our lungs are given ample space to expand and take in more air.

Tips for Couples

Three Fair Fighting Tools

When we get into an argument with our closest companion, the rules of how to communicate or how to avoid making things worse, seem to fly out the window.  We all think we are right (at least part of the time), and we want to get our chance to talk.

So, here are three suggestions that may help in times of need.

  1. Listening well is the first and most important communication tool,

Informative Places On-line

The following order does not confer preference.  Johnson O’Connor Aptitude Testing and Research since 1922, in San Francisco.  If you are college bound or changing careers, this is a great resource for you.  For parents with children of all ages.   A treasure trove of self-help modules.  American Society of Clinical Hypnosis is an excellent source of information about the use of hypnosis in medicine and psychology,